I made a bit of a mistake the other day. The website for my club night
Audiophile has recently stopped being indexed in the search engines.
I have been scratching my head over it for a few weeks and thought that it might be something to do with the wordpress theme, or maybe a problem with the hosting (it's hosted with Fasthosts - say no more!). Finally the penny dropped and I thought I’d better check the code to see if there was some sort of no index tag in there. Bingo!
< meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow' />
The no index metatag gives webmasters control over their sites, allowing them to avoid search engines automatically indexing sites or certain webpages. Some things just shouldn’t end up in Google - search for “businessplan.xls” or “expenses.xls” and you’ll see what I mean!
Even though we do most of our online Audiophile promotion through music forums, facebook and myspace it still helps to make sure that our website is indexed in the search engines!