A few weeks ago I finished a website that I started last year when I moved house... With one thing and another I forgot about it! Then, when the cold weather kicked in, it dawned on me pretty quick that the rooms without double glazing are a bit chilly.
The website, is designed to replace or restore my sash windows so they are warmer! Aparently, sash windows are a bit more expensive than the standard upvc ones. I have looked around, but I havent found any "buy-one-get-one-free" offers.
Anyway... please feel free to help out with my cause! If you are looking for help with building a website, developing an existing site, improving your search rankings through SEO or online marketing then please get intouch. You can improve your online presence and I can keep warm, I think that works out well for everyone doesn't it?!
Please have a look around the double glazing fund website, if you'd like to find out more information then please get in touch through the contact page.